Male chastity

Inside the Life of Male Chastity Slave

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I once had an opportunity to talk to a male chastity slave only because I’m
really fond of talking to people and asking them random questions about life.
So in this one instance, I got to ask a slave about his life and what he does
and if he enjoys that kinds of things he’s asked to do.


To my surprise that male chastity slave told me that he’s not really indifferent with
the life that he chose to live because he didn’t become a sex slave because he
needed money. He’s doing what he’s doing because he’s really good at it and
people have told me the same thing many times over. Other than this, he has
also developed a certain kind of passion for himself.


I think it’s important that before you
decide to become a male chastity slave,
you really have to be open about your sexuality and your sexual preferences
because this is the only way for you to enjoy and love what you’re really
doing. It’s going to be a great opportunity for people like you and me because
it’s going to open more doors in the future especially when it comes to sex.


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