Becoming a Male Chastity Slave

I have been a male chastity slave for a few months now and I have to admit that it is rather interesting. I wasn’t exactly sure if this was going to be something that I could handle when I first started out, but I was bound and determined to at least give it a shot. I wanted to know what it would be like to try something completely different and this was about as different as I could come up with. Thankfully, I had a partner that was willing to try something different with me and that helped out a lot.

I will say that being a male chastity slave has shown me that there are still a lot of things in my life that I don’t understand fully. But at least I am getting the chance to figure some of it out along with my partner. It was a bit touch and go there for a while but, once we got into the hang of things; it wasn’t such a bad deal. I know there are some guys in the world that dive in to something like this with both feet, but I suggest taking it slow and learning as you go.

The two of us have learned a lot about being a male chastity slave over the months and we seem to be getting along better in our relationship because of it. I guess that there are times in your life when you will need to do something a bit out of the ordinary in order to fully recognize what it is in life you are missing. I found out that I was missing the chance to have a lot of fun in my life and that I could actually give up control and still be happy with it all.

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